Advanced Analytics Labs

Data Empowered Decisions


Analytics Audit™

With our specialised Analytics Audit, we carry out an assessment of all your data, systems and business needs, and develop an Analytics Roadmap for your company.


Bespoke Algorithms

We use our knowledge and expertise to create bespoke algorithms, which are tailored to suit your company needs, enabling you to get real value out of your data.


Manufacturing Analytics

Our intelligent data analytics software provides high-value manufacturing companies with the knowledge and understanding of how to reduce the variability in production.

Helping businesses make the most of their data
Helping businesses make the most of their data

About Us

We're experts in advanced data analytics and machine learning. Founded in 2017 by Professor Adele Marshall our mission is to empower our customers by making their data a valuable asset. We achieve this through direct customer engagement and the development of bespoke data-driven prognostics. Our ambition is to use our high skill base to develop sophisticated algorithms to help you improve your business.

Creating value from data
Creating value from data

Contact Us
